Migrating to the United States does not always guarantee job and economic stability, especially for those who do not have a work permit. For this reason, many immigrants have turned to certain online resources to find ways to generate income, being one of the most popular options.
We are talking about Craigslist, a website that functions as a digital classified, where job opportunities, housing offers, and even antique sales are posted. Jobs are published in a simple way, with brief descriptions, detailing the conditions and even accompanied by images in some cases.
The interesting thing about this platform is that in the job opportunities section you can find jobs of all kinds such as professionals in medicine, architecture and law; even jobs that do not require degrees from a university. For this reason, many migrants who do not yet have a work permit, opt for these informal alternatives.
However, it is important to note that payments and hiring in these circumstances are carried out outside the legal framework, which exposes workers to great risks, with no labor rights or protection against possible eventualities. This modality is becoming increasingly common among undocumented immigrants.
So how do you obtain a work permit in the United States?
The Employment Authorization Document (EAD) is essential for foreigners who wish to work legally in the United States. This document is issued by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and is valid for one to two years, depending on the category of the applicant.
USCIS details the permits required to work in the United States on its official website, including the associated procedures and costs. Generally, the process is done through Form I-765, known as Application for Employment Authorization.
For this reason, if you are looking to legalize your status in the United States or need advice on how to obtain a work permit, do not hesitate to contact me. As an immigration attorney, I can help you make sure your application meets all the requirements.
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