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Social media has become an integral part of our lives, but certain mistakes can negatively impact your green card application process. Here are the most common errors and how to avoid them to ensure a successful application.


1. Inconsistent Information

Posting information on social media that does not match the information provided in your green card application can raise suspicions. For instance, discrepancies in employment or marital status may lead USCIS to question the authenticity of your application.


2. Compromising Posts

Any content that could be interpreted as illegal or immoral behavior can negatively affect your application. Inappropriate photos, videos, or comments can be used against you.


3. Suspicious Interactions

Having friends, followers, or interactions with people involved in illegal or extremist activities can raise red flags in your green card application. Be mindful of your social media connections.


4. Controversial Opinions

Expressing extreme political or social views can be viewed negatively by USCIS. Posts suggesting radical or violent attitudes can damage your case.


5. Public Exposure of Personal Data

Revealing too much personal information on social media makes it easier for USCIS to find inconsistencies or issues in your application. Keeping your personal data private is crucial.


Tips for Safe Social Media Use

  • Regularly review and update your privacy settings.
  • Avoid sharing sensitive information or content that could be misinterpreted.
  • Ensure your social media information matches your application details.
  • Think carefully before posting content that could be controversial or compromise your integrity.

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