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Each year, around one million people seek political asylum in other countries. According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), anyone fleeing conflicts, persecutions, or human rights violations can apply for asylum.


The process usually begins with those who feel their lives are at risk in their home country and need safety in another nation. National authorities in many countries handle the reception and registration of these applications. It's crucial for applicants to identify the responsible entity in their country, often with guidance from UNHCR.


Individuals seeking international protection have several guarantees, including non-refoulement and protection against deportation, especially if they face severe rights violations. Countries like the United States receive a significant number of asylum requests, being a primary destination for asylum seekers.


UNHCR emphasizes that the procedures and determination of asylum status depend on each state. Those forced to cross international borders for safety fall into this category when they lack protection in their home country.


This information aids in understanding the rights and procedures for those seeking political asylum and the importance of knowing the responsible entities and the guarantees offered by international law.

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